Cover Crops

Growing a Successful Cover Crop




Growing cover crops is a step toward a vibrant, sustainable garden, offering soil protection, nutrient accumulation, and improved fertility without tilling. This guide explores the benefits and stages of cover crop cultivation, from seeding to incorporation, highlighting the role of green allies in achieving a flourishing garden ecosystem.

Take Away

  • Cover crops enhance soil structure and prevent erosion.
  • Different varieties offer specific benefits; mixing them optimizes garden health.
  • Key stages: seeding, germination, vigorous growth, nutrient accumulation, ground cover, and incorporation.
  • Seeding late in the year prepares beds for winter, ensuring protection and nutrient retention.
  • Legumes fix nitrogen, enriching soil fertility.
  • Vigorous growth suppresses weeds and supports beneficial microorganisms.
  • Cover crops as ground cover shield soil from adverse weather and support microorganisms.
  • Incorporation without tilling adds organic matter, improving soil health.
  • Selecting the right cover crop depends on garden needs and timing.
  • No-till incorporation methods include mowing or crimping and maintaining soil integrity.
  • Effective for soil erosion control and promoting a sustainable garden ecosystem.
  • Preparation involves choosing the right mix and proper bed preparation.
  • Incorporation techniques vary but aim to enrich soil without disturbing its structure.
  • Encourages a holistic approach to gardening, emphasizing soil health and biodiversity.

In our discussion, we worked on the “why” of growing cover crops. In this guide, we’ll look at all of the aspects of growing a cover crop successfully, paving the way for a garden that flourishes with vitality. Get ready to discover the transformative benefits that come with cultivating your green allies.

Selecting the Right Cover Crop for Growth Success

Cover crop varieties each have their specific advantages. You can mix two or three varieties to gain the benefits of them all in one planting. Most of these varieties can be used to overwinter a bed, as you will notice most are best planted late in the year. If planted after the fall garden is complete, then the cover crop can protect the bed over the winter months, just be sure to crimp or mow about a month before ready to plant again.

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Annual Ryegrass: As a cover crop, annual ryegrass excels in preventing soil erosion and improving soil structure. It forms a dense root system that stabilizes the soil. The best planting time is in late summer to early fall. Annual ryegrass mixes well with legumes like crimson clover and hairy vetch, creating a balanced cover crop blend.

Common Buckwheat: An excellent cover crop for weed suppression and attracting beneficial insects. It thrives in warm weather and is best planted in late spring or early summer. Common buckwheat mixes well with legumes and brassicas, providing a diverse cover crop combination.

Crimson Clover: It stands out for its nitrogen-fixing ability, enhancing soil fertility. It's best planted in late summer to early fall. This cover crop pairs well with grasses like annual ryegrass and oats, creating a symbiotic relationship that benefits soil health.

Field Peas: They contribute to soil nitrogen and add organic matter. Plant them in late summer to early fall. They form a beneficial mix with oats or other grasses, creating a well-rounded cover crop combination.

Hairy Vetch: Hairy vetch is a nitrogen-fixing legume that improves soil fertility. Plant in late summer to early fall. It complements grains like winter rye or oats, forming a cover crop blend that benefits both soil structure and nutrient levels.

  • Oats
  • Merchant:High Mowing Organic Seeds
  • Phacelia
  • Merchant:High Mowing Organic Seeds

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Oats: Oats are excellent for preventing erosion and adding organic matter. Plant in late summer to early fall. Oats mix well with legumes like clover, providing a balanced cover crop combination.

Phacelia: Phacelia is known for attracting pollinators and improving soil structure. Plant in late summer to early fall. It complements legumes and brassicas, creating a diverse and pollinator-friendly cover crop mix.

Tilling Radish: Valued for its deep taproot that breaks up compacted soil. Plant in late summer to early fall. It pairs well with grasses and legumes, contributing to a comprehensive cover crop strategy.

Winter Rye: Winter rye is beneficial for preventing erosion and adding organic matter. Plant in late summer to early fall. Winter rye mixes well with legumes like hairy vetch, forming a cover crop blend that improves soil structure and fertility.

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The Stage of Growth in a Cover Crop

Let's explore the stages of a cover crop to see the beneficial effect it is having on your garden. The number of stages can vary depending on the focus. Here we are focused on the benefits that we discussed in "Why Grow a Cover Crop?". So, we will explore six stages from seeding to reincorporating.

Seeding: Sowing the Promise

The seeding stage sets the groundwork for what follows, as you carefully scatter seeds that hold the potential for enhanced soil fertility and garden resilience. Sowing of the seeds may not technically be a growth stage, but if not done there will be no other stages. We are working on garden beds, where all the residue from previous crop is cut out and in the compost bin. The best method is simply to broadcast the seed into the bed as evenly as possible. Then with a cultivating hoe or garden rake lightly scratch the soil and seed to ensure good contact.

Germination: Seeding the Potential

The germination stage, where tiny seeds burst to life, sending delicate shoots skyward. Witnessing this early growth sets the stage for a thriving cover crop, is very exciting and the end of the waiting game after the seeding is done. The aim here is to see a bed that looks to be solid green with the young shoots. In the early part of this stage, you can reseed any spots with less germination, to ensure good coverage.

Vigorous Growth: Nature's Blanket Unfurls

As your cover crop gains momentum, a lush blanket of green unfolds across your garden. This vigorous growth not only suppresses weeds but also enhances soil structure, promoting a healthy and fertile environment for your main crops. The general rule is that the amount of growth visible above the ground is approximately equivalent to the growth occurring below the ground. This means that the soil is being aerated and anchored during this stage.

Nutrient Accumulation: Nature's Fertilizer Factory

One of the cover crop's superpowers is its ability to accumulate essential nutrients. Cover crops play a vital role in enhancing soil fertility through various mechanisms. Some varieties, like clover and alfalfa, boast deep root systems that access nutrients in the subsoil, while others contribute to nutrient-rich soil through the breakdown of their biomass. Certain cover crops, such as buckwheat, have the ability to accumulate phosphorus and micronutrients, contributing to overall soil health. Additionally, the mulching effect of cover crops, coupled with weed suppression, creates a favorable environment for beneficial soil organisms and helps retain moisture. These combined actions promote sustainable and eco-friendly soil management practices.

Legumes have a special ability to work with certain bacteria in the soil. These bacteria, called rhizobia, form a partnership with legume roots. In this collaboration, the legume provides a cozy home for the rhizobia, and in return, the bacteria take nitrogen from the air and convert it into a form the plant can use. This process is called nitrogen fixation. Essentially, legumes have a fantastic superpower – they can turn the air's nitrogen into a nutrient that helps them grow strong and also benefits the soil for other plants.

Ground Cover: Shielding and Supporting

As the cover crop reaches its full growth, it plays a vital role in protecting and sheltering the soil from unfavorable weather conditions while also fostering the growth of beneficial microorganisms present in the earth. This phase significantly enhances the long-term sustainability and environmentally conscious nature of your garden ecosystem by establishing a solid base.

Incorporation: The Final Stage

In a no-till gardening method, incorporating a cover crop involves the strategic integration of the cover crop into the soil without resorting to traditional tilling practices. Instead of disrupting the soil structure, methods such as mowing or using a cover crop roller-crimper are employed. Mowing entails cutting the cover crop down to the soil surface, while the cover crop roller-crimper gently flattens and crimps the cover crop, creating a natural mulch. You can also make your manual crimper by bolting a piece of angle iron onto a 2x4 board about 24" - 30" long and adding a piece of rope at both ends long enough to be held in your hands while lying on the ground. To use, simply with your foot on the crimper, step with it every 6-8" until all the crop is laid flat on the bed.

The timing of incorporating the cover crop is crucial in a no-till system, aiming to balance the benefits of biomass accumulation with preventing the cover crop from going to seed. By incorporating cover crops in a no-till manner, nutrient-rich organic matter is added to the soil, enhancing its fertility, structure, and overall health, all while maintaining the principles of sustainable and eco-friendly gardening practices.

Please read my post on The Essential Guide To Sustainable Heirloom Gardening Practices for a more holistic view.


So, we've visited all the stages of a cover crop, uncovering the unique benefits that these green allies bring to your garden. From the promising seeding stage to the final incorporation, each phase contributes to a sustainable gardening ecosystem. You might be wondering if this process sounds familiar to what happens with other crops in your garden. That's because what's outlined in the first five stages aligns with the general plant growth cycle. Here, I've highlighted the specific benefits that unfold uniquely for cover crops during each of these stages. Ready to transform your garden? Start planting your cover crop today and witness the remarkable difference in soil health and vitality.

If you've found this guide helpful or have insights to share from your own cover crop experiences, we'd love to hear from you! Drop your comments below, and let's continue this conversation.

Take Away

  • Cover crops enhance soil structure and prevent erosion.
  • Different varieties offer specific benefits; mixing them optimizes garden health.
  • Key stages: seeding, germination, vigorous growth, nutrient accumulation, ground cover, and incorporation.
  • Seeding late in the year prepares beds for winter, ensuring protection and nutrient retention.
  • Legumes fix nitrogen, enriching soil fertility.
  • Vigorous growth suppresses weeds and supports beneficial microorganisms.
  • Cover crops as ground cover shield soil from adverse weather and support microorganisms.
  • Incorporation without tilling adds organic matter, improving soil health.
  • Selecting the right cover crop depends on garden needs and timing.
  • No-till incorporation methods include mowing or crimping and maintaining soil integrity.
  • Effective for soil erosion control and promoting a sustainable garden ecosystem.
  • Preparation involves choosing the right mix and proper bed preparation.
  • Incorporation techniques vary but aim to enrich soil without disturbing its structure.
  • Encourages a holistic approach to gardening, emphasizing soil health and biodiversity.

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